artefacts: 28885

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rowid artifactNumber ObjectName GeneralDescription model SerialNumber Manufacturer ManuCountry ManuProvince ManuCity BeginDate EndDate date_qualifier patent NumberOfComponents ArtifactFinish ContextCanada ContextFunction ContextTechnical group1 category1 subcategory1 group2 category2 subcategory2 group3 category3 subcategory3 material Length Width Height Thickness Weight Diameter image thumbnail
28885 1980.0921.001 Chemical Clear glass bottle; black moulded synthetic lid; adhesive-backed off-white paper label on bottle body bears red and black printed text and graphics; red paper collar on bottle neck bears off-white text. Contains grey powder. Fleck's Extraordinary Red Copper 370 MIZZY INC. United States of America             1 Clear glass bottle; black moulded synthetic lid; adhesive-backed off-white paper label on bottle body bears red and black printed text and graphics; red paper collar on bottle neck bears off-white text. Contains fine grey powder.     Part of a collection of chemicals and equipment used in the manufacture of dental fillings moulds bridgework and inlays. Medical Technology Dentistry Chemicals             glass->;synthetic->;metal->copper - possible     6.2   79.49 gm 3.0 cm