artefacts: 108380

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rowid artifactNumber ObjectName GeneralDescription model SerialNumber Manufacturer ManuCountry ManuProvince ManuCity BeginDate EndDate date_qualifier patent NumberOfComponents ArtifactFinish ContextCanada ContextFunction ContextTechnical group1 category1 subcategory1 group2 category2 subcategory2 group3 category3 subcategory3 material Length Width Height Thickness Weight Diameter image thumbnail
108380 2016.0168.002 Carabiner A metal carabiner clip with a metal locking collar on the hinged gate.     DMM Unknown     2013   circa   4 A light grey metal clip that has a silver coloured metal gate with a yellow-coloured metal collar that threads up and down to lock the gate. All of the gear in this loadout has been used by Baillie in training and in the field as part of Baillie and Kit¬ís SAR operations in Canmore Alberta (2013-2016). As of the last time Kit and I spoke Baillie had been deployed with this gear in the field a total of three times: during the Southern Alberta floods (June-July 2013) after a massive gas explosion in Cougar Creek in Canmore (June-July 2015) and during a search for a missing woman in Canmore (August 2015). Notably Baillie cut the pad of her paw on debris during the second deployment leading Kit to incorporate K9 booties into her regular loadout to prevent future injuries of this nature. (Taken from Acquisition Proposal context is for the whole kit see Ref. 1) A clip used to quickly and securely connect rope and other climbing equipment together. This was used with a K9 Search and Rescue vest and accompanying equipment. This K9 loadout features a number of significant Canadian technical innovations. Baillie¬ís custom-fitted SAR K9 Vest for example is manufactured by K9 Storm Inc. of Winnipeg Manitoba. According to Kit K9 Storm represents the bleeding edge of K9 work equipment and the company fills contracts for K9 military and SAR operations all over the world. All K9 Storm equipment is designed built and quality-controlled in Canada. Another example is Baillie¬ís body-mounted camera equipment. Still in the proof of concept phase this equipment was custom-made by Kit himself to afford greater communication with Baillie while in the field. (The camera permits Kit to see what Baillie sees and adapt his verbal instructions - delivered through a body-worn audio system - in real-time). The camera was sourced from a disassembled mass-market drone camera rig and then fitted to Baillie¬ís vest using custom-built components. Kit has also developed other custom handling equipment including a ¬ìquick-release¬î deployment device that was facilitated by attaching a ¬ìPetzl Frog¬î mounting-climbing clip to Baillie¬ís leash. It is still to be determined whether the rest of the equipment in this loadout is Canadian-made but several of the other items (notably the ¬ìMuff Mutts¬î Ear Defenders and ¬ìRuff Wear¬î K9 Booties) represent interesting technical innovations in canine wearable technology and have strong Canadian provenance as a result of Baillie¬ís use of the technology in Alberta. (Taken from Acquisition Proposal context is for the whole kit see Ref. 1) Fire Fighting Clothing & personal safety apparatus               metal;metal 9.7 6.5 1.8