artefacts: 108370

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rowid artifactNumber ObjectName GeneralDescription model SerialNumber Manufacturer ManuCountry ManuProvince ManuCity BeginDate EndDate date_qualifier patent NumberOfComponents ArtifactFinish ContextCanada ContextFunction ContextTechnical group1 category1 subcategory1 group2 category2 subcategory2 group3 category3 subcategory3 material Length Width Height Thickness Weight Diameter image thumbnail
108370 2016.0164.006 Safety tab Synthetic Animal-identification system 9.11001E+14 911 Pet Chip Unknown     2016   circa 911 Pet Chip is a trademarked name 8 Red synthetic. Taken from acquisition worksheet: Municipalities across Canada recognize the importance of pet identification by creating bylaws that require registration of all domestic animals. This is done to both generate revenue for the community and manage the domestic animal population. While the microchip does not replace traditional licensing methods it does add an extra level of information. It has become common practice if/when a domestic animal is surrendered to a shelter or a vet because it has been ¬ìfound¬î for the shelter or vet to check for an implanted microchip. The information contained on the chip can help rescuers reunite the animal with the owner. The microchip is used as identification for domestic animals. The identification is primarily used to identify lost animals for the purposes of reuniting them with their owners. Taken from acquisition worksheet: Implanted below the skin the domestic animal microchip is a passive RFID device. It requires a tool to activate the information contained in the chip. The information on the chip is usually the registration number of the chip. From there rescuers are able to trace the chip ID to the company that supplies the database services for that particular model. The database information usually contains information relating to the animal¬ís health veterinary information and most importantly owner information. The information entered into the database must be done by the animal¬ís owner and is usually completed just after implantation. This does create two data challenges the first being that the owner is responsible to activate the associated database entry in the first place and the second being that the owner must then update the information as it changes. These challenges have led to a significant number of ¬ìchipped¬î animals not being returned to their owners because of poor data. Agriculture Animal husbandry Small animal             synthetic   1.9