artefacts: 108267

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rowid artifactNumber ObjectName GeneralDescription model SerialNumber Manufacturer ManuCountry ManuProvince ManuCity BeginDate EndDate date_qualifier patent NumberOfComponents ArtifactFinish ContextCanada ContextFunction ContextTechnical group1 category1 subcategory1 group2 category2 subcategory2 group3 category3 subcategory3 material Length Width Height Thickness Weight Diameter image thumbnail
108267 2016.0142.054 Toy card game Card stock My Family Builders magnetic wooden blocks 48 piece set   TokyToky LLC. China   Zhejiang 2016     Copyright 2015 MyFamilyBuilders;MyFamilyBuilders and its logos are trademarks of Tokytoky LLC. 75 White card stock with multi-coloured drawings of people. Taken from acquisition worksheet; ref. 4: Statistics Canada published an exploratory report that examined the nature of family dynamics in Canada from 1961 to 2011. This report found that during the 50-year period between 1961 and 2011 considerable social and economic changes occurred in Canada that influenced evolving family dynamics. In summary these findings showed that: 1) Over time the share of married-couple families has decreased; 2) the share of lone-parent families has increased; 3) families and households have become smaller; and 4) there is a larger share of persons not in census families. (ref.1) A set of wooden magnetic dolls for children of all ages ¬ìMyFamilyBuilders¬î allows kids to construct toy people that reflect the diverse nature of families in the 21st century - whether that means through skin colour sexual orientation gender identity multiple sets of parents etc¬Ö According to the donor there is nothing else on the market that incorporates this level of inclusivity into a children¬ís game. An all age¬ís game that allows users to assemble magnetic wooden blocks into diverse family units. Taken from acquisition worksheet; ref. 4: This game incorporates a simple system of magnetic blocks that connect a base body and head. Domestic Technology Miscellaneous               paper->card stock 13 7